
Last Updated:
29/09/2022 - 20:13

Impairing memory consolidation to prevent the development of anticipatory nausea

Conditioned context aversion learning is an important topic for cancer research. After cancer patients have experienced a number of chemotherapy and radiation sessions (US; unconditioned stimuli), the chemotherapy equipment and other physical environmental cues, such as a clock on the wall or interactions with nurses, became conditioned stimuli that trigger anticipatory nausea (AN) as the conditioned response. Thus, preventing the conditioned context aversion that occurs as a result of the formation of the association between the context and the US is one possible strategy for alleviating AN in cancer patients. Our team is developing a novel and innovative approach to prevent the development of a conditioned response by manipulating the memory consolidation of conditioned context aversion learning using amnestic drugs in inbred mice. My laboratory aims to provide novel insights into a recurring problem and ultimately help to develop treatments to alleviate the burden of AN in cancer patients

This project is supported by TÜBİTAK 2232 International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers Program.

Impairing Effect of Behavioral and Pharmacological Interventions on Fear Memory After CS or US Reminder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a highly prevalent and debilitating condition characterized by intrusive memories, avoidance and hyperarousal. At the time of traumatic event, more than one cue around the context can become a conditioned stimulus (CS) for the survivor. Hence, the type of reminder is critical when the memory undergoes the reconsolidation process. In rodents, PTSD is modelled by contextual fear conditioning (CFC) paradigm. CFC model involves exposing rodents to an unconditioned stimulus (US) that causes fear (usually shock) in a novel environment. When the animal is re-exposed to the US-paired environment, it shows a conditioned response (CR) such as freezing. Our project is focused on alleviating CR by using various behavioral and pharmacological methods as well as understanding neural mechanisms underlying fear memories. Our ultimate goal is to develop novel therapeutic approaches for PTSD and other disorders arising from learning and maladaptive memories.

This project is supported by TÜBİTAK 3501 Career Development Program.

Maternal obeziteye maruz kalmış yüksek yağlı diyet ile beslenen yavru farelerde omega takviyesinin dopaminerjik sisteme ve davranışa etkilerinin araştırılması

Maternal obezite ve gebelik/emzirme döneminde yüksek yağ içerikli besinlerin tüketimi, yavrularda obezite ve buna bağlı metabolik hastalıkla birlikte; anksiyete, öğrenme bozukluğu, hedonik yeme gibi bozukluklara yol açmaktadır. Projemizde; gebelik ve emzirme döneminde, maternal obeziteye ve yüksek yağ içerikli besinlere maruz kalmış C57BL/6J yavruların mezolimbik yolakta meydana gelen değişikliklerinin, anksiyete, hedonik yeme davranışı, öğrenme ve bellek üzerindeki etkisi cinsiyet farklılıkları gözetilerek incelenecektir. Ayrıca omega-3 yağ asidi takviyesinin terapötik etkisi bu konsepte araştırılacaktır. Önerilen disiplinlerarası çalışma, dünyaca salgın niteliğinde kabul edilen ve sağlık sistemi üzerinde çok büyük bir yüke yol açan obezitenin altında yatan mekanizmaların anlaşılması ve omega-3 kullanımının maternal obezite ile ilişkili davranışsal bozuklukların tedavisindeki etkinliğinin açığa çıkarılmasında büyük bir öneme sahip olacaktır. 

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